Time lost, or not.

Hey kids!

It’s hard to understand how a month slips by, but it has. I’m still in Dutch John but some things have changed.

For one, the weather has greatly improved. We are actually deep into the spring and threatening to go into the summer. The snow pack is somewhere around 50% melted and we still have a lot of run off to deal with, but it’s about to be on the down hill side of things.

I have left my paved and civilized campsite and moved up into the dispersed camp site area. I have a beautiful spot that over looks the lake. It is dirt roads in and no services available. I would not have survived earlier in this season up here, but for now and for the summer; it is ideal.

Things have been unsettled since I’ve been here. Somethings I’ll explain as things develop but currently I am again without my truck. It has decided it no longer wants to drive back and forth on these bumpy, dusty roads. Hopefully we will come to terms and reconcil this little difference of opinions.

The season is just about to get rocking. Labor day weekend is upon us. With two months already spent here, I think the time is going to go quick. I hope I can keep all up to date with a more regular schedule of posts.

One important item to note today is the date itself. It is May 24th. 154 years ago, John Westley Powell began his expedition down this river on which I find myself. He and 9 others (Sumner, W. Powell, Bradley, O. Howland, S. Howland, Dunn, Goodman, Hall, and Hawkins) braved the unknown and floated out of Green River, Wyoming.

154 years ago, three of them recorded the day’s events as the sun went down. Much like I am doing today but electronically. They were sitting on a bank under cottonwood. I am in my trailer, on a hill side, amongst the juniper.

If they had not, the details of their journey would have been lost. Likewise for me.

They had no idea who would take an interest in the future. Neither do I. Maybe I’ll have something of interest for someone 154 years from now. Maybe even sooner.

I just need to write, and let it all fall where it does.

Wyoming Wind

I wonder how big Wyoming would be if it didn’t blow half of itself away every other day?

Another night of rocking and rolling and tucking down deep in the covers.

PS- I know I’m still in Utah, but here on the northern side of the Uinta Mountains, we adhere to Wyoming weather mandates.

Springtime Rug Pull

Last night was so nice. The wind had stopped and it was actually warm after the sun went down, relatively speaking.

I nestled down in bed, without the need of my knitted cap, and slept peacefully and comfortable. Then came today.

The wind has come and brought with it wind and cold. Tonight as I write it is 33° with the wind making it feel like 22. It has just started. It will not be much warmer for the next couple of days either.

Assuming that winter is done in April is a dangerous assumption, especially in these parts.

Tonight all the quilts go back on the bed and I won’t be emerging back out of them until sun up.

Sleeping-in is not that bad of a solution, come to think of it.

The Tax Man Cometh

Remember when taxes were due on April 15th every year. Now you never know what day it will be. This year it’s tomorrow, April 18th.

I don’t know what determines the date, or who picks the deadline. But the 18th and a Tuesday just seems random.

Maybe it’s like Easter and depends on the equinox and full moons or ground hogs finally able to see their accountants. I don’t know but I needed the extra couple of days this year.

I actually got them done today. A full day early. I haven’t got word about them being approved yet but I gave myself an extra day.

I’m getting soft in my old age. My younger procrastinating self would be ashamed.


So maybe I was putting too much pressure on myself for today.

The trip was fine, and very fun. Not a lot of fish were caught as the river is being extremely tough right now. We had lunch, shared lots of laughs, and enjoyed a truely beautiful day on the river.

It felt good just to lazy down the river and soak up as much sun as possible

And no one really even mentioned how bad my cast was.

Maybe I should relax more often about such things.

Fun or Death

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I am nervous and overjoyed at the same time.

It is our company’s Family Float. This is where the entire (participating) company is loading into drift boats and fishing together on the river.

My skills are not what they used to be and they were lacking when they were at the top of my game. The others are guides and accomplished flyfishers. This is where everyone sees and knows whether you’re a stud or a dud.

This could be one of the most fun days of my life, a moment I had always hoped for.

On the other hand, I could be the biggest buffoon of the company; laughed at and ridiculed for years.

I am fearful of my fate.

A Mouse Still Plagues Me

After 30 years of working in a facility the house, fed, and cared for mice, I now have one that has decided he wants the same deal.

A mouse lives in my trailer. He comes out every night and rummages around my home. I now keep all mouse-penetrable food items in tubs. I keep the dishes cleaned and put away. I wipe down the stove. There is nothing to eat here. Except the daily dose of peanut butter I provide on the worthless traps.

He has beat me in all attempts to this point. He is winning the battle. But mark my words, I will win this war. Id there’s one thing my 30 years of Animal Facility experience has taught me: my lifespan is longer than his.

Getting to Know the Neighbors

Hey kids!

I actually escaped today! There is no invisible barrier to my escape from this valley. I took the now functioning-fine truck over the mountain and into Vernal Utah.

I got a good look around at what is available in Vernal, which is about 45 miles away. It has pretty much anything and everything I could ever need. I got my groceries restocked a d a few other needs taken care of. It’s a good resource to have relatively close.

Coming back towards Flaming Gorge I saw many, many deer neighbors. And closer to camp, the elk were back. I stopped and tried to have a chat with them, but they were uninterested. I enjoyed them none the less.

Upon reaching camp, I have new camper neighbors. Dale is from Maine and now, Denver and has fished this river for years. Tim and David are also from Colorado. Tim is a past ultra marathon runner who has hiked the entire length of the three sections of this part of the Green River. And David owns an exotic car dealership. They also said that they saw a moose passed by earlier. I would have loved to seen that.

This morning, along with the song birds, turkey calls and chukkar clucks filled the air.

I’m really liking my neighborhood and the neighbors within.