Sometimes It Comes Back Around

It was one of those normal work days, normal for this place anyway. We were finishing shuttling the cars for the day and we learned the BBQ food truck was in town. I placed my order with the one heading down to the truck whe I finished the last car on the list.

To my surprise, when it was delivered to me it was that person’s treat. I tried to refuse, but was told that I deserved it because of the things I had done for that person in the past and they just wanted to pay a little back. Reluctantly, I accepted.

Later, I joined the group for dinner at the Marina bar and grill. I enjoyed a nice dinner and lots of laughs as we stayed until closing. Again my bill was paid. This time by another. I was again told that it was a pay back for things I had done for them throughout this summer to this point.

I don’t recount this to say ” look how good I am” but instead to express how good it feels to be thanked for being a good person to those around me.

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

Thank you universe for the nice pat on the back when I least expected it.

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